Preparing and serving communion is a great opportunity to participate in the life of the Church. Any member of the church can help us prepare for communion. It involves purchasing two loafs of bread from Publix at least the day prior. Come in Sunday morning to set up both the bread and wine. After the morning worship service, transfer the dishes to the kitchen and place them in the dishwasher. Done!
Serving communion is available to all that have been ordained as an Elder or Deacon at Newnan Presbyterian Church. Come to the church 30 minutes prior to the Worship Service and meet with Rev. Jones in the Session room.
Volunteer opportunities are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Click here for our Communion Page. Thanks!
God's grace empowers us to welcome, love, and serve in the name of Jesus Christ.
We celebrate our faith with vibrant, traditional worship on Sundays. We celebrate communion monthly and the table is open. All are welcome to commune with us. Childcare is available for Bible Studies and worship services.