The easiest way for you to give is thru Realm, our secure online community. We recommend that you consider setting up a recurring donation through your Realm profile.
Text GIVE2NEWNANPRES and any amount to 73256 to complete a gift. Example below. Text giving is great for quick, easy, onetime gifts. Text giving will automatically save your payment information for future gifts.
Leave your gift in the offering plate. You can also download the Realm Connect app. Login with your Realm account to give. The Realm Connect app also allows you to setup a recurring donation.
Download the Realm Connect app. Login with your Realm account to give. The Realm Connect app also allows you to setup a recurring donation.
God's grace empowers us to welcome, love, and serve in the name of Jesus Christ.
We celebrate our faith with vibrant, traditional worship on Sundays. We celebrate communion monthly and the table is open. All are welcome to commune with us. Childcare is available for Bible Studies and worship services.