Deacons are chosen by the congregation as the “caregivers,” being the “eyes and ears” to the needs of members of the congregation. They are the “hands and heart” of the church as they minister to particular needs and create opportunities for service and fellowship.
Each of our members is assigned to a neighborhood deacon. Deacons reach out and minister to members and visitors in their neighborhood.
Class of 2025
Class of 2026
Class of 2027
Elders are chosen by the congregation. Together with ministers, the elders exercise leadership, government, and discipline, and have responsibilities for the life of the church. Each elder has responsibilities for a particular ministry.
Elders, like deacons, serve over a three-year period and are designated in a class based on when their volunteer term will be completed at the end of their class year.
Class of 2025
Class of 2026
God's grace empowers us to welcome, love, and serve in the name of Jesus Christ.
We celebrate our faith with vibrant, traditional worship on Sundays. We celebrate communion monthly and the table is open. All are welcome to commune with us. Childcare is available for Bible Studies and worship services.