The Hubbard Endowment Fund of Newnan Presbyterian Church was established through a generous gift from Linda and Bill Hubbard in 2012.
The purpose of the fund is to provide annual grants, so long as the fund shall last, to enhance the Youth Ministry and the Property Ministry of the Church and to support programs of other ministries as appropriate. This support is for programs or projects that are a one-time need or a start-up opportunity beyond the scope of the annual plan of the ministries.
Since its inception, the Hubbard fund has disbursed more than $165,000 towards Church programs and projects, yet as of last month, the fund has actually grown in net value.
In the past nine years, the Hubbard endowment has provided support for a number of vital programs and projects. These include support for a wide variety of youth activities and travel to Montreat and to Merida, Mexico, along with enhancement of the youth room.
On the property side, the fund has been able to support the completion of the renovation of the Session Room, the downstairs portion of the sanctuary, a portion of the Cornerstone Project, refurbishing the church offices and kitchen and more.
Funds from the endowment have also been used to provide Christian education materials for Sunday School classes and Bible study, improve the audio system and to purchase a new telephone system for the Church.
In 2023, specific funding from the Hubbard Endowment is earmarked for continued support of the handbell choir, significant repairs and improvements to the lighting of the main entrance of the church along with street level repairs and painting, support of another mission trip to Merida, and funding for special activities for the Youth Ministry and the growing Young Adult Ministry. The Session will be reviewing these proposals this coming week.
The Hubbard Endowment has truly been a blessing for Newnan Presbyterian Church. If you have thoughts on a project that would be appropriate, please let one of the elders know about it so they can start the proposal process. Thank you.
God's grace empowers us to welcome, love, and serve in the name of Jesus Christ.
We celebrate our faith with vibrant, traditional worship on Sundays. We celebrate communion monthly and the table is open. All are welcome to commune with us. Childcare is available for Bible Studies and worship services.