Our children's ministry meets every Sunday during the worship service. Contact Darcie Jones or Andrea Kantorczyk with any questions.
Sundays during Worship Services
Youth meet regularly on Sunday following worship for food, fun, and games. Schedule changes will be noted on the church calendar. Contact Mrs. Andrea Kantorcyzk or Mrs. Chris Rice with any questions.
Sundays from 11:30AM-2:00PM
Led by Shirley Lukens, this group of adult men and women gather in the Hannah Fellowship Annex for Bible Study on Sunday mornings.
This group of gentlemen meet on Sunday mornings for Bible Study and to sing hymns. The class meets in the Session Room.
This group of adult men and women gather in the Youth Room for fellowship and discussion on current topics and how their faith plays into their lives.
This group of older men and women gather for Bible Study. Led by Michael Scott, this group enjoys fellowship and conversation.
This is open to all adults who wish to dig a little deeper in the the previous Sunday's Sermon. Pastor David hosts this group in Hannah Fellowship. Discussion is held on the week's scripture and sermon topic. Historical context is offered.
Every Thursday at 10:00AM
Working women and retired gather for Bible study and Fellowship. This group meets in Hannah Fellowship. Gwyn Kozma leads this group.
2nd Tuesday at 6:00PM
Please join us in the sanctuary to sing praise to God. Even if you can't read music or aren't a "trained" musician, my purpose is to teach you to express yourself musically. We have fun, please consider joining this vital ministry. See Cliff Brock for more info. Off during the Summer months.
Practice Every Wednesday at 7PM
(Off for the Summers)
Andrea Kantorczyk leads this group of children in choir on Wednesdays in the Choir Room. Off during the Summer months.
Every Wednesday at 6PM-6:30PM
(Off for the Summers)
Come join us for a great time ringing the White Chapel handbells. Lead by Lalla McGee. Practice is one hour. Off during the summer months.
Practice Every Wednesday at 5:30PM
(Off for the Summers)
The Young Adult groups meets for a bite to eat and to lift each other up. Contact Andrea Kantorczyk or Greg Shivers with any questions.
Every 1st and 3rd Mondays at 6PM
The Men's Outlook meets at every month for coffee and refreshments (provided). Rain or shine. Hot or cold. Contact Phil Vincent or Beth Royal with any questions.
3rd Wednesday of the Month at 9AM
For our senior adult men and women who gather monthly for fellowship. Lena Pope is the leader of this group. Activities include lunches, fellowship, tours, activities, etc.
Click here for Calvin's Crew Page!
God's grace empowers us to welcome, love, and serve in the name of Jesus Christ.
We celebrate our faith with vibrant, traditional worship on Sundays. We celebrate communion monthly and the table is open. All are welcome to commune with us. Childcare is available for Bible Studies and worship services.