Beginning in January of 2023, we moved to a digital first model in our communications at Newnan Presbyterian Church. We transitioned from the twice a month Encore newsletter to a weekly digital newsletter called "the Week ahead".
Along the way, I have received a number of great questions from our members. Where is the REALM login? How do I get "the Week ahead" weekly email? How can I update my contact information? Many of these questions have been answered in our FAQ document. FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions".
If I haven't answered one of your questions, feel free to reach out to me.
Click the FAQ link button below for more information.
Thanks and take care! -Erik.
God's grace empowers us to welcome, love, and serve in the name of Jesus Christ.
We celebrate our faith with vibrant, traditional worship on Sundays. We celebrate communion monthly and the table is open. All are welcome to commune with us. Childcare is available for Bible Studies and worship services.