Bridging the Gap has an urgent need for weekly volunteers to help distribute groceries to 500 families.
Volunteers are needed:
Wednesdays: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm to pack grocery boxes
Wednesdays: 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm to distribute boxes.
Saturdays: 8:00 am to 12:00 noon.
Volunteers are welcome to work as little or as much as possible during these time frames. BTG just needs our help!
Volunteer Training
BTG provides ON THE JOB training! BUT...if you are new to volunteering with them, they need to know ahead of time that you will be coming to serve, so they can be prepared to show you how to serve. This is new! So...if you are interested in serving, be it tomorrow or in the future, please email Beth at We will pass along your name and contact information to the BTG Volunteer Coordinator and they can be prepared train you on the spot. Thank you!
God's grace empowers us to welcome, love, and serve in the name of Jesus Christ.
We celebrate our faith with vibrant, traditional worship on Sundays. We celebrate communion monthly and the table is open. All are welcome to commune with us. Childcare is available for Bible Studies and worship services.