What is an acolyte?
An Acolyte has a long history in the church. They perform the very important function to bring the light of Christ into the sanctuary at the beginning of each worship service and carry the light of Christ out into the world at the end of each service.
Acolyte Training!
Now that we're back to school, it's time to kick off the new school year of NPC Acolyte Ministry as well. We will start with our annual Pizza Luncheon. How does everyone's schedule look for
Sunday Aug 18? I'm hoping everyone is available that day and still interested, willing and able to continue in this program. All acolytes and family members are invited. We will also be celebrating the services of Hayden Rogin, Jane Kumagai & Anna Hirsch over the past few years as they retire from their acolyte duties!
So let me know how many of you can join us. Bring your appetites and calendars of available Sundays for Sept-Dec. It will be a LIGHT crew again this year, so plan on one Sunday a month for starters. If any of you are aware of any others who would like to join the acolyte team, please pass those names along. General rule is ages 7-11 or grades 2-5.
God's grace empowers us to welcome, love, and serve in the name of Jesus Christ.
We celebrate our faith with vibrant, traditional worship on Sundays. We celebrate communion monthly and the table is open. All are welcome to commune with us. Childcare is available for Bible Studies and worship services.